October 2023 Minutes
Hoosic Valley Parent Teacher Organization
Regular Meeting Minutes: October 18,, 2023
HV Elementary School Library
President: Liz Ruepp
Vice President: Lissa Kalbfliesh
Treasurer: Carolyn Gifford
Secretary: Lisa Meehan
Members (in-person):
Sarah Weber
Jessica Hoag
Stacey Kyea
Amanda Myott
Members (online):
Called to Order: 6:34pm
Treasurer’s Report:
No monthly report
Currently working with Connie to prepare for taxes – reconciling items
Committee Reports:
Unfinished Business:
Plants for Teachers – still in process and expected to be brought in soon!
Yearbook – Megan Luskin has agreed to be chairperson for this year. This committee is in need of a few members to assist with editing and to coordinate taking pictures at school events. Please reach out if you are able to help.
Book Fair – arrived, prepping for preview days and for sales. Desperate need for volunteers during day and during trunk or treat. Large quantities of books were sent this year – may not need to restock but will struggle with space to get them all set out.
Tenure gifts – $274.34 was spent on purchase of gift cards for the 11 newly tenured teachers. These were presented to the teachers at a very brief reception held in the high school library.
Trunk or Treat – 18 have signed up for the event to be 10/27 from 6-7:30, can fit 24. NJHS has agreed to assist inside at book fair and also with candy distribution needs. The donation “monster” bin has been set out and a call for donations was put out. Carolyn Gifford and Carly Lorini are coordinating volunteers and doing setup starting at 4:30 that day.
Picture day – 10/25 and 26 with retakes on 12/6. Volunteers are needed during the school day. Please reach out if you can help – volunteers get free photo packages!
Color Run – nothing to report
Guptills skating night – nothing to report.
New Business:
Teacher potluck on 11/1 when teachers stay late for conferences. Liz will post signup genius to tap volunteers for food, setup and cleanup.
Web domain had expired, paid to renew it and it is now secure and should be easy to find!
Funding Requests:
Stacey Kyea and Laura Mooney requested $95.82 to purchase 6 lap trays for 1st grade classroom use. Motion approved unanimously.
Future Discussions:
Odyssey of the Mind t-shirts – Unanimous decision to discontinue purchasing Odyssey of the Mind t-shirts due to growing program and increasing costs. OM is similar to clubs, which purchase their own shirts. PTO will continue to support the OM program with needs through standard funding requests moving forward.
Ornament night – some interest in continuing this event. Liz will reach out to the previous coordinator as see if she is still interested in chairing this event.
Wreath raffle – Liz Ruepp, Jess Hoag and Sarah Weber have volunteered to chair this event. Potentially have wreaths due by noon on 12/1 to be hung that afternoon and have tickets for sale during ornament night (if that happens) and up for winter music concerts.
Next meeting 11/15 at 6:30 pm in the elementary school library.
Meeting adjourned at 7:11 pm
Submitted: 10/29/2023 LJM