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PTO MINUTES 10/20/2021


Meeting location: Elementary library @ 6:30




Stacy Kyea, Bessie Baldwin, Lisa Meehan, Amelia Manders, Liz Ruepp, Carolyn Gifford, Sarah Weber, Erin Coffin

Call to Order: 6:34pm

Minutes review from

Officers Reports:

  1.  Treasurer’s Report:  in touch with Connie, agreed to do taxes, have bank statements Started new fiscal year, different balance in bank acct verus registrar


  1.  School supply Committee:  Lisa is getting lots of emails from vendors.  We are cutting ties with our last vendor.  Sarah will volunteer if PTO runs their own school supply.  We will readdress the issue closer to the end of the school year, and will not commit to any company right now.

Old Business:

  1.  Tenure Gifts: Virtual vote for yes. 8 staff members, 20.00 Dunkin gift cards Total of 160.
  2. Fall Fundraiser:  Saratoga olive oils (Lisa’s idea another school was doing it), Mixed bags (in the past) worked well
  3. Membership Drive:  Flyers trickled out the last 1 ½ weeks ago.  Got a decent response.  No paper membership forms.  Liz will touch base with the teachers
  4. School pics volunteers:  Cori is asking for 2 volunteers for both days. Perk of volunteering:  Free photos.  Reach out to PTO members who are already “volunteers”
  5. PT conference Dinner:  November night dinner.  Normally due a “potluck”  Liz will contact Mr Foti with what we can do.  Maybe do a “snack” option of pre packaged food through sign up genius.  
  6. Elem Staff Room:  Need Mr Foti to go any further with redoing this room.
  7. School Banking:  Should be able to proceed Kristee smith will continue doing it.
  8. Book Fair:  Arrived on Friday, set up Monday doing all previews this week.  Can buy Wednesday during school, after school Thursday and Friday.

New Business:

  1.  Meeting Dates:  Set for year:  11/16, 12/21, 1/18, 2/8, 3/15, 4/19, 5/17 until new elections
  2. Treasurer Position:  Amelia is stepping down and will be looking for a volunteer for a position.  Amelia will sit down with the new treasurer and do a review of everything with them.  
  3. Money Handling Policy:  We currently don’t have one.  It is a huge liability.  They have a “tally” sheet chairperson and other PTO members and initial sheet.  Do it separately then give the paper to the treasurer.  We need a written policy on the flow of money and how it happens and where the PTO debit card is kept.  And are we supposed to be reimbursed for tax?    

Future Discussions:

  1.  PTO insurance:  Put up for a vote in the next month or 2
  2. December events
  3. Festival of Wreaths:  Erika is usually in charge of it.  Want to expand into high school.  But PTO would need a volunteer within the school to make that happen.  Maybe involve the student council or honor society.
  4. Ornament Painting:  Need a volunteer to head committee:  If necessary Lisa and Carolyn can do it

Adjournment:  7:54pm


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