November Meeting Minutes
Hoosic Valley PTO
meeting Minutes
Date:November 15, 2022
Time: 6:30 pm
Location: Hoosic Valley Elementary School library
In Attendance
President: Liz Ruepp
Vice President: Lissa Kalbfliesh
Secretary: Lisa Meehan
Treasurer: Carolyn Gifford
In Person attendees: Demile Paro, Kimberley Macica, Stacey Kyea, Tiffany Hurley, Sarah Weber
Virtual attendees: None
Call to Order:
The meeting was called to order at 6:31pm
Approval of Minutes
The minutes from the October meeting were approved unanimously
Committee Reports
- Treasurer Report: Money minder up to date – no outstanding transactions; currently preparing for tax filing with accountant
- Yearbook: Tiffany Hurley reported that the theme has been chosen, work is being done and pictures are being collected for school and classroom activities. Please upload pictures to the link on the hvpto website.
Unfinished (Old) Business:
- Halloween Night: Trunk or treat went amazingly well, huge attendance and lots of positive feedback. Lessons learned will lead to a few logistic changes for next year regarding candy donation and candy hand out. Also need to emphasize that this is not a drop off event! Next year will be October 27 and Mrs Macica reported that NJHS would like to be involved this year for games in the gym.
- School pictures took place Oct 21 and 22 – all went well for the most part. Thanks to the volunteers who assisted with that.
- Numerous plants were obtained through donation by a community member, for staff rooms – expect to see those soon.
- Book fair: Most successful book fair ever: total sales $8588.64 leading to profit of $1913.11, which will largely cover the need for the Zillah Herrington program in spring. Also had $900 in scholastic dollars to spend which were used partly to obtain library books and the remaining went to obtain ZH books. Big thanks to the volunteers on this, but note that it’s crucial that we find a volunteer to head this up for future book fairs.
- Conference Night Teacher Potluck: successful event, appreciated by teachers and staff. Especially popular were grab and go items like pizza and garbage bread. Leaving takeout containers was also a big hit and made cleanup easier. Thanks to those who donated, set up and cleaned up!
New Business
- Festival of Wreaths: Communication for this went out and publicized on website and facebook- currently have 10 wreath commitments and expecting more. Call for volunteers to sell tickets during band and chorus concerts (12/8 and 12/15) as well as during ornament night on Dec 2nd will go out on Parent Square and Facebook, or see Liz. Wreaths we’ll be hung on 12/1 after school.
- Ornament Painting night: This will be on 12/2 6-7:30pm, coordinates with Festival of Wreaths. Order forms went out and online ordering has been set up thru cheddar up. Ornaments are expected to be returned and distributed the week ofDecember 19th.
Funding Requests
- The funding request by Erin McCaullife for $220 to fund a field trip for art students to Mass MoCA was rescinded as the cost was covered by MAC.
- No funding requests were received.
Future Discussion
- Guptills skating night discussed as a winter activity. Liz Ruepp will call for details and scheduling options to be discussed next month.
- Discussion of hosting a STEAM night with area businesses doing presentations and activities for students. NJHS may be able to assist with logistics. Proposed date for consideration is 3/31 in evening. Suggestion was made to consider setting the activity up to include the junior high students as well. Committee will be forming shortly – reach out to Liz or Lisa if you are interested.
Next Meeting
Date: December20, 2022, 6:30 pm Elementary School library
Motion to adjourn was at 7:20pm
submitted: LJM 12/11/22