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November 2020 Minutes


Hoosic Valley PTO



November 4th, 2020 @ 6:00pm

 Virtual Zoom Meeting

Attendees:  Liz Ruepp, Lissa Kalbfliesh, Bessie Baldwin, Amelia Manders, Carolyn Gifford, Charles Pemburn, Bessie Baldwin, Brandee Silloway, Lisa Meehan, Meghan Bornt, Karen Carlson, Stacy Kyea, Janice Lee, Erika Silverman, Denile Pero, Tracy Jordan, Mai Mysliwiec


Call to order at 6:31pm 


Presidents’ Report: 48 paid members (10 of which are teachers, 1 from each grade in elem)

Treasurers’ Report: Spent:  279.92 for Kindergarten scoop chairs, waiting for a check from HVEF (teacher appreciation event) they split the cost with PTO.  We received the yearbook check of 2,186,86.  The balance is 18,614.58.  Connie also finished and filed the taxes which are now in our drive.

Secretarys’ Report:  PTO newsletter is almost complete, will circulate in elementary school




Committee Reports

  1.  By Laws Committee
  2. Audit Committee
  3. Halloween Committee 
  4. Yearbook Committee


Action Items:  


  1.  Bylaws committee report was done by Liz (Sarah was unable to attend).  They were holding a mtg to go over and review the notes all members had taken individually regarding the bylaws.
  2. Lissa reported the Audit committee has the 3 required members and is waiting on the bylaws committee before they can officially meet.
  3. Janice reported the Halloween event was successful! Carly from the fairgrounds reported they had a great response and great donations were made from community members.  The students who attended all had a great time (specifically the 6th graders had a “blast”).  The only issue was since it was on the fairgrounds, people thought it was an open “public” event, so there is thought to keep trick or trunk going but possibly doing it in the school parking lot next year?
  4. Amelia reported the yearbook committee needs to speak with Mr. Foti about possibly allowing her in the school to take pictures for the yearbook and the plausibility of that.  She also will be contacting Treering as a possible new vendor for our yearbooks.


Unfinished Business:


  1.  Yearbooks 2019-2020
  2. Teacher wish lists
  3. Membership Drive


Action Items:


  1.  There are still 10 lingering yearbooks (all remote students).  Liz will continue to email them periodically.  A flyer went out to encourage students/parents to buy the remainder that are left.
  2. A survey was sent out regarding the wishlists.  Amazon wish lists are definitely the preferred option.  Amelia will make a tab on the website to make it easily accessible for community members/parents to buy items on the teacher wishlists.  
  3. A brand new flyer that was redesigned with a QR code that could be easily scanned was sent home with every student last week.  We have received 4 back so far.  Also discussed the possibility of having “special perks” of being a member of the PTO pertaining to certain events as a way to draw in more members.


New Business


  1.  December Event/Activity 
  2. Other ideas to support teachers
  3. Lisa Waldron email


Action Items:  


  1.  Different ideas that were thrown around included:  local bakeries are doing decorate your own cookie kits (receive the cookie and frosting to decorate yourselves), Auction contest etc.  Festival of Wreaths (always a popular December event) would be easy to shift to virtual.  Erika (head of committee) would like to hang the actual wreaths in the hallway still for students and teachers/staff to enjoy.  It was discussed to purchase tickets virtually.  Amelia suggested using the new accounting system as the store front, and “wreaths” could be the items and purchase tickets through that.  The export list from that could be sent to Erika.  Students would also still be able to purchase tickets in person.  Brandee and Janice would help Erika with the in person aspect.  Erika is working on a flyer to send home.  It was also brought to PTO’s attention to possibly involve the HS in this event.  PTO would need a teacher contact from the high school to help with displaying wreaths and in person ticket purchases, if this was followed through with.  
  2. Looking for some great ideas to continue supporting the teachers.  Possibly deliver individually packaged lunches or items from a local bakery.  If anyone has any ideas please contact a member of the PTO to let us know!
  3. Lisa Waldron emailed since she was unable to attend the meeting and wanted to rely a message through PTO.  She wants input from parents and students as to what is and isn’t working with kids who are back in school.  Have a discussion with students about if they are feeling safe within our COVID setting of school.  If anyone has any thoughts or opinions they want to share with Lisa please email her to further this discussion.  


Future Discussion:

  1.  PARP
  2. Reaching out to Music and Art teachers


Action Items:

  1.  Going with last years’ theme.  Kick off at the end of February and run through March.  PARP and PTO can partner together in new ways.  It was discussed to use the Ronald Mcdonald house fundraiser and PTO would get 10% back for that.
  2. Reach out to music and art teachers and see what they need within their classrooms.  Also email HS and elementary school teachers.  It would be a nice gesture to email the HS teachers and see if they were in need of anything for their classrooms as well.


The PTO meeting was adjourned at 7:12pm.