Meet the BOE Candidates
Due to lack of community interest the format of the Meet the Candidate night was changed from a panel to a written Q&A format.
Due to lack of community interest the format of the Meet the Candidate night was changed from a panel to a written Q&A format.
It’s time to order your Elementary Yearbook!New this year – 2 custom pages! Upload your photos and fill your pages with special memories. Don’t forget to select “share your photos with the Hoosic Valley Elementary Community” – all that share photos will be entered in a drawing for a free yearbook (purchase price will be refunded).
Click the link below to order!
Hoosic Valley PTO Minutes
Virtual mtg at 6:30
Attendees: Carolyn Gifford, Melissa Kalbfliesh, Lisa Meehan, Stacey Smolinski, Liz Ruepp, Brandee Silloway, Kimberly Macica, Sarah Weber, Darcy Beaulac, Ericka Silverman, Amelia Manders, Meghan Luskin, Karen Carlson, Janice Lee, Tiffany Hurley
Review of minutes from February
Officers Reports:
Committee Reports:
Thumbs up last month for committee members that were present. Will share the updated bylaws with the rest of PTO members to vote upon for next meeting. Can reach out to Sarah committee chair or Liz as the president and if changes need to be made to bylaws.
Trying to figure out a theme to go with. 2 options: Where the wild things are? Or Rocket/Space rocket theme? Going to go with the “max” theme. At a standstill because she doesn’t have a class list, with the way school started. Liz will touch base with Cori tomorrow to hopefully get that. Will meet with Tiffany for more ideas to put within the yearbook.
Submissions and editing will be easier, because the kids can submit through schoology and google docs. Erin thoughts on a schedule, hopefully a flyer will be sent out next Wednesday within school. Stories and artwork would be due March 31st. April 21st to the printers. And having a virtual author night the week before memorial day. For authors night either send out a video or do a large virtual mtg. Or to break into smaller groups “virtual classrooms” and then students can read their stories within the groups.
Print last years with this year’s due to everything that happened with the school shutdowns. Karen came up with the idea of possibly recording the kids reading the books. Erin will need help with setting up the virtual meetings, or contact her if you want to help any way possible. We can set up google meets through the PTO platform.
Unfinished Old Business:
Amelia has started those. 15 total lists between the 2 schools. Liz will send another reminder email to the teachers. The list is live, but not linked off a menu yet. After all the teachers list are on the website then they will be linked through.
All set to go Friday night March 5th. Brigette and Lisa ran a test control this past weekend, it all went well! Looking at possibly 15 families (60 cards). Lisa has a couple 5.00 target cards, and was going to run past Brigette to give to people with “creativity”. Have until midnight Thursday night before Bingo to sign up.
Last month we talked about another “chalk the walk” and the Farmer’s Feed bunk. It is the 1st full week in May. We are looking for good ideas, because we can’t get into the actual school for the teachers. Some schools do a theme for every day of appreciation week. Sarah came up with the idea of decorating with the posters. Possibly form a committee. Sarah, Stacy, Liz all volunteered to run the committee. Will hopefully have a great
200.00 Aldi’s grant to be applied to the Zillah Herrington Awards. Still waiting to hear back from other grants and donations that PTO applied too. Cori was going to reach out to the teachers regarding Zillah Herrington and what we can do other than handing out books the beginning of the month
New Business:
Come up within the budget workshops in conversation. Brighten up the school inside and sensory path for the students. PTO could assist in the funding. The school should fund as well and could guide the project. There is another budget workshop March 18th, all people all welcome to join in the conversation or go. Margaret Rice has a lot of knowledge and information on the project. Maybe HVEF could help with funding as well. Walmart’s program has a max of 5,000.00-10,000.00 that no one in our district has applied for.
Flags of the senior pics throughout the town. Cost 1200.00 for each group as a contribution. Seniors got to bring their pictures back home after graduation. Seniors could possibly contribute to it financially. Booster club would like to do the banquet still so they wouldn’t be able to contribute financially to both. Will “discuss” the topic and she can go back to the senior advisors and let them know. Can report back to PTO next month.
Future Discussions:
Doing a buy 1 get 1 free for scholastic for 1 night only? Is it a possibility. Maybe make it a targeted night.
Christa mentioned the Park Ave Confectionery in Mechanicville was doing a fundraiser for another school. Any opinions for that? Liz will contact them to see what their terms are and if possible to do in time for Easter
Also a meet the school board candidate night, should look into scheduling that
Adjournment: 7:52pm
Hoosic Valley PTO
Meeting Date: 2/3/2021 @6:30 pm
Meeting location: Virtual Zoom meeting
7.Future Discussion
PTO minutes 2/3/2021
2/3/2021 @6:30pm
Virtual Meeting
Liz Ruepp, Melissa Kalbfliesh, Sarah Weber, Lisa Meehan, Denile Pero, Bridget Chapko, Janice Lee, Christa Waryas, Erika Silverman
Mtg Start time: 6:37pm
January/February Minutes: Accepted as read
Officers Report
Meeting Date: 1/6/2021
Virtual Meeting
Liz Ruepp, Lisa Meehan, Melissa Kalbfliesh, Erika Silverman, Bridget Chapko, Brandee Silloway, Bessie Baldwin, Carolyn Gifford, Stacy Kyea, Darcy Bealuac, Janice Lee, Christa Waryas, Amelia Manders
Mtg Start time: 6:34pm
Treasurer’s report: Not many reimbursements, only check for snacks for the staff rooms, no funding requests last month. We might need to remind the teachers to utilize us, possibly partner with HVEF to reach out. We received a lifetouch check, it will be on next month’s report
Secretary’s report: updated newsletter
Committee Reports:
Unfinished (Old) Business:
Other things besides Bingo? Paint and sip, cooking classes, scavenger hunt, trivia night etc
New Business
Suggestion – apply to Stewart’s holiday match for this. Get money and then we can buy the gift certificates from local businesses.
PTO voted to cover the cost of drinks and pizza for the teachers who will decorate on February 26 and fund decorations.
PTO will provide a cover letter for donations.
Can we incorporate Virtual “screen free” week? Read aloud virtual night. Kids could choose their own personal read alouds.
Future Discussion:
Adjournment: 7:37pm
Hoosic Valley PTO
December 7th, 2020 @ 6:00pm
Virtual zoom meeting
Hoosic Valley PTO
Meeting Date: 2/3/2021 @6:30 pm
Meeting location: Virtual Zoom meeting