Meet The BOE Candidate 2023
The school budget vote and Board of Education vote will be on May 16th.
Anyone who is a U.S. citizen, 18 years or older, and a resident of the Hoosic Valley Central School District for at least 30 days prior to the vote. You do not need to own property in the school district to be eligible to vote.
This year there is one candidate running for one seat on the board. Rather than holding an inperson event we will be accepting questions on our website and posting the candidate’s responses.
The questions may be submitted until May 8th and we will be posting the questions and responses on our website by May 12th.
About Amanda Akin
I have resided in the Hoosic Valley school district for 34 years and attended and
graduated from Hoosic Valley Central School. I currently reside in Johnsonville with my
husband (also a former student and graduate of Hoosic Valley) and 3 children ages 12,
9 and 8 who are all engaged in school activities, programs, and sports that the district
has been able to offer them.
I believe in encouraging our students to be active members in our community. With my
children in school, I have strived to be an active member of the school community. I
have been involved in HVAA and coached my kids along with many others in softball
and soccer over the years. I have held positions in PTO and supported programs they
have been able to offer. I have coached and assisted Odyssey of the Mind teams, assist
with the elementary musical and many other volunteer opportunities through the school
and community.
I have been a Registered Nurse for 13 years and currently work with children and their
families to obtain supportive services in the home and community. This has given me
insight on what children with special needs and their families need from the school
I will challenge myself and others to make the best decisions for the students, staff, and
all residents of the Hoosic Valley community.
I will continually strive for improvement and excellence in our district for our students,
teachers, and community.
I look forward to working with current board members to give our students the best
education possible while supporting fiscal responsibility for our community.