February 13, 2018 Minutes of the Meeting
February 13, 2018 @ 6:30
VOTING MEMBERS – Dehlia Dennison Northup, Darcy Beaulac, Janelle Johnson, Abby Martin, Bessie Baldwin, Lisa Meehan.
Recap from last meeting in addition to:
- Screen Free Week- is in March 26th, 27th and 28th, need to discuss at next meeting, confirming what we will have and need volunteers for each day and talk with Ericka Silverman. Put on district calendar.
- Writing Olympics volunteers for typing were selected and done.
- Vendor Fair- March 11, 2018, request for volunteers on the day of.
- Lisa Meehan ordered a sample of the school supply kits-discussions were made on what company would suit our needs, and price point. More discussions and decisions will be needed and should be discussed at next meeting. Majority were on board with this program.
- Strawberry Festival was mentioned and past to HVEC.
- Yearbook is progressing
- PTO purchasing Odyssey of the Mind T-shirts
- Learning Fair-table for discussions at future meetings
- Teacher appreciation/staff- coffee mugs were purchased for this day.
- Discussion of pens to be purchased with HVPTO on them for our events for sale. No objections were made and Christa Waryas has purchased both the pens and the mugs.
Discussed possible “supermarket sweep” game. Lisa Meehan, was to approach the local Shop-n-save.
Students from the High School Honor Society were present at the beginning of the meeting to make sure that the PTO did not have already planned to do a “Penny Wars” fundraising event. This was discussed with them and we decided that we would do one for the elementary school at the same time as the high school, as a little competition for the elementary school students. Further discussions needed, a chair for this event, and volunteers, was tabled for upcoming meetings. Date for this event would be the week of April 23rd.
Also there was mention of a bowling fundraiser. In addition, we also have the Guptills fundraiser.
Should anyone have an idea they would like to share, please feel free to attend our next meeting or email the PTO at hoosicvalleypto@gmail.com
March 20, 2018 @ 6:30pm Elementary School Library